Wednesday, November 9, 2011

4) Feel the Burn

So, after my last post I decided to just stop complaining and just get my ass up off the couch.  And it's paying off.  I've pushed myself more then I had the last time I went to the gym.  

I think that was part of my main problem with May-August.  I didnt push and didn't really see results; yes I had lost a few pounds and toned up a bit but not nearly how I wanted to.  So like most people in the world, I gave up.  But this time I'm pushing and seeing results with even less time at the gym.

The magic?  Running.  I knew it was going to come to that before but now that I have an actual goal to run, I had to suck it up.  Despite the goal of the 5k, I hate running.  I have horrible memories of running in school where I was the last one to finish the damn mile in gym class.  I couldn't even make it the whole way around the track once without having to stop.  Now, I know running on a treadmill isn't exactly the same but I'm ridiculously proud of myself that today I ran a half mile.

I weighed myself and was pleased, we'll see how I feel on Monday when it's my 'official' weigh in.  A friend of mine (Hi Georgette!) is on the same mission as me and we're challenging each other. 

Saturday, November 5, 2011

3) Frustrations

Not even a full week in and I am already incredibly frustrated with myself and the whole lot of this plan.  I thought that putting the thoughts down would help me out, help keep my goal going but thus far it hasn't.  

I know it isn't that far in and I shouldn't be so frustrated but I know this is the sort of thing that is going to keep happening.  

I've been obnoxiously tired.  I've recently started a new job and I like a lot but the hours are early; more like when I worked in retail rather then an office setting.  So it's left me pretty drained.  I did get to the gym twice and I plan on going for a long time tomorrow morning.  But I didn't get on the bike or gazelle at all this week.

And in being tired, it means I don't work on the good eating habits.  I have relied way too much on boxed things yet again, or just easy pasta dishes.  I need to stop it.  There is also way too much junk-food in the house and I can't control it.  Anyone that knows me understand who my 'roommates' are and why I can't really complain.  But then there are chips, cookies, candy.  And oh the Tastykakes...they are so good and make me feel like I am in school again. 

I have decent willpower up to a point, like before Natalie's wedding I basically starved myself for a week so I lost a few pounds.  And I did okay then.  But without a day to day goal, I can't really stop myself from shoving food in my face when I shouldn't be.  No combination seems to work for me: one big meal and then smaller ones, small snacks through out the day...nada.  I just keep shoving food in my face.  

I'm not giving up, but I really need to figure out a way around all of my problems or I am going to give up.